FF | First Holiday Together

Friday Fictioneers is a group of bloggers who write 100-word stories after being inspired by a photo posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. The photo comes from a different Fictioneer each week. We are allowed to use the photo in our post and encouraged to leave each other comments. I always appreciate anyone who takes the time to leave me a comment. I write my story before I read any of the other writers’ creations.  This story is 112 words long. I was afraid I would lose the mood if I cut any more out.

lights inside,light display,

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

   First Holiday Together
Evelyn stretched out on the cool grass. She had finally gotten what she wanted. Roger beside her for a holiday. He had wasted so many with his wife.
She turned to him and smiled. He was wiping away tears.
“What’s wrong dear?”
“I can’t help but miss her. We spent so many years together. I can’t believe she left without kissing the kids goodbye.”
Evelyn looked back up at the fireworks. She was seething inside.
All of that work to make sure she’s gone and he’s whining. He said if she’d leave we could be together. Can’t he just enjoy the fact that things are the way they are supposed to be?

34 thoughts on “FF | First Holiday Together

  1. Pingback: 2016 Year in Review | Failing at Haiku

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