FF Story | Standing Tall

Friday Fictioneers is a group of bloggers that write 100-word stories after being inspired by a photo posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. We are allowed to use the photo in our post and encouraged to leave each other comments. I always appreciate anyone who takes the time to leave me a comment. I write my story before I read any of the other writers creations. I wrote my story in 101 words this week.

yellow daffodil,one flower,planted flower,

PHOTO PROMPT © The Reclining Gentleman

  Standing Tall

She stood there determined to hold her head high.

They would not make her bow.

She had come so far. Long nights in a fast food kitchen that made her skin break out. Early mornings rushing to class with no make-up on, her hair barely combed. She would not be made to doubt herself. She had been beaten into a strong woman who knew not to blink when questioned.

She had not been embezzling and she would not take the rap for it.

She would stick to her story and when it was all over, she would take her boss’ place.

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