FF | Songs

Friday Fictioneers is a group of bloggers who write 100-word stories after being inspired by a photo posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. The photos are taken by other Friday Fictioneers. You can join in by adding a link to your story to the blue frog link-up on Rochelle’s page. We are allowed to use the photo in our post and encouraged to leave each other nice comments. I write my story before I read any of the other writers’ creations, although I do often read Rochelle’s post before I write mine since it is right under the photo of the week. This week’s short story is

As always, Thank You for reading.

violin,strings,stinged insturment,

PHOTO PROMPT © Björn Rudberg



Their life together was like a symphony. Maybe there was a wrong note from a finger that slipped once, but the music was so beautiful that no one noticed. They were the couple that everyone aspired to. For their 10th Anniversary, Joe learned to play the violin and composed a song just for Julie. For their 50th Anniversary, their children flew them to Hawaii. The paper featured their picture on their 75th Anniversary. Harvey read about their happy lives while laying in his cell. He wondered what the story would have been had he proposed at Prom instead of Joe.




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