Sometimes Boys Need Rescued Too

Photo by Ferdinand Studio on
Sometimes Boys Need Rescued Too

 Be a shield be a sword, just be useful
 Don't be a damsel in distress because
 Knights get tired in their heavy armor
 Sometimes boys need rescued too
 To be a help-meet means to help
 Meet him in his weak places
 And hold him up like it's you who's drowning
 Hold him like you wanted to be held
 That day when you were 11 and no one did
 You claim women are strong
 Prove it by letting him be weak
 Let him have a moment, a day, a year
 Guard his 6 like you're a Navy Seal team
 And he is your only way out of the jungle
 You believe women are soldiers and are
 Strong enough to face anything a man has
 Show how strong a girl can be when
 He needs her to protect him from the dragon


Here is this month’s Pepper Day post. I am so thankful for my little group of cheerleaders. I am thankful that I have people who encourage me to write and blog.

There is a lot of talk of gender bending, and what gender means this week. I believe that there are 2 genders and inter-sexed people which means there are a total of 3 choices to pick from. It amazes me that people can have a college degree but then try to tell you that there are more than three genders. I believe in science and therefore believe that there are three genders but many sexual identities. I do believe that males gravitate toward masculine traits and that females gravitate toward and show feminine traits more often, but can have masculine traits or preferences while still being female.

But I think as we grow into women, who want to be recognized for the strong creatures that we are, that means being strong for men mentally and physically when they are having a bad day. It amazes people that I mow my own yard, or that I will walk through the parking lot in the rain with my husband, rather than insisting that he drop me off at the door and walk through the rain by himself. It shocks people that I like action movies and that for our anniversary three years in a row, my husband and I went to see an action movie that had a SciFi bent, and that was my choice.

It is fun to be girly sometimes, but I do think that if you want to be taken seriously as a feminist you have to be strong for men at other times. And that is what this poem is about. If your husband is facing hard things such as a bad back, or a tough time at work, it’s important to be there for him like you want your partner to be there for you.

I also think it was important for me to share these thoughts because when I searched “fighting girl” and “woman fighting” in the free Pexels picture bar here on WordPress I got pictures of women in domestic abuse situations and this photo.

Photo by Alice AliNari on

Really?? She doesn’t even look real! There are female soldiers, there are female fighters, there are female everything as this point. They just don’t get noticed because we keep stuffing them into girly boxes. And there is a difference between being girly and being feminine.

Photo by cottonbro on

Something Strong

I always publish a few blog posts late in the day when I do a month-long challenge. Today I need to post a poem about “something strong” for the Somethingist Challenge that I am doing for National Blog Posting Month. Give me your thoughts on this piece, in the comment section below.


  Badges and Battles
She wore her scars like badges
like an army captain wears ribbon bars
they told of the wars her body
had fought and won
of the battles waged
that you forgot about

This poem was inspired on Twitter by a #WrittenRiver writing prompt.

nanopolano,nablopomo,2018 event,

The Quote about being Strong

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. -Unknown

This is a quote that has been copied and shared all across the internet, but I would like to know who said it. It is very true. I have found out what strength really looks like this year.




When A Man Has Doubts

A weak man has doubts before a decision. A strong man has them afterwards.  -Carl Kraus


I started a job this week! It was a step I needed to take, and I don’t regret it. It is a part time job. I am still volunteering at my church. I am now the Director of my First Baptist Church’s Women on Mission group. Plus I sit on another Missions Board at church. This will mean that I will not be responding to comments on my blog until the afternoon. The posts are not slowing down, though! They may after my son goes back to school and I have to juggle getting him to and from school and church, as well as having a job. I will always post a haiku on Monday and a quote on Friday.

Also, Bloglovin’ is having a contest during the month of August. The top three bloggers who gain the most new followers during the month will be featured on both the Bloglovin’ site and blog! Please help me out by following Failing at Haiku on their site.
fully bloomed daffodil,yellow flowers,flower in sunlight,morning daffodil,

Wandering through the fire.

candle flame


Making You Shine


Dull and lifeless, with no form

We put silver in the fire

Burning out the impurities

We bend and mold the silver

Then we fire it again

Working and testing, until it shines

Then we mold into a shape, beautiful

Knowing this process is long

Why are we then surprised

At our own process, long

Time, it takes to beautify

To make a vessel rare

The heat you feel today

Tomorrow beautifies



Our time in the fire is what makes us strong and beautiful.

How’s your process going?

A poem about needing for ~Wandering Wednesday~

purple bearded iris

lone iris


The strong one.
That’s me!
Always standing,
never falling.
I don’t need help.
I’m the one that encourages!
I’m not sad,
I’m not mad,
I don’t need help,
I pray for you!
Give you advice.
You don’t need to ask of me,
am I worried,
sad, or needful.
Oh no, I don’t need help.
But now that you ask…
my back does hurt today,
my brother hasn’t called.

It is usually hard to ask for help, unless you are a drama queen.

I encourage you to reach out to a friend today, and ask them if everything is really okay.

Be someone’s safe place today.