NaHaiWriMo Year 2021 Day 28

Final prompt day 28: all you need is love

how to make a home
out of an empty house
all you need is love

So I tried to end strong, but I ended up writing a senryu instead of a haiku for the last day of National Haiku Writing Month. I also ended up writing a tanka for day 18 rather than a 3 line poem. But at least I wrote something for every day. It looks like day 24 was my most liked haiku on Facebook, but not here on my blog, which is weird as it was for this audience. Strangers liked my poem more than you guys did. This month never clarifies anything for me, it only confuses me more.

You guys disliked – or decided not to leave likes – for a love poem that I wrote for my husband. I guess I still need to work on my love poems. No wonder I failed at being a writer – if you can’t write about love you aren’t going to get very far!! The other poem that got only one like was day 13.

But I decided last year that I write for me, the Likes are just extra. The haiku that you guys liked the most this year was not actually a haiku but a senryu, Day 19. Again I don’t understand how I draw likes on my posts. I have researched and I use tags that make sense but I guess I am just happy that someone is not only reading my blog, but will take the extra step of leaving me a like. I really appreciate those of you who left me comments this year. I did receive more likes than I have in the past and that is encouraging. Comments help me a lot, maybe next year I will get more of those.

As I looked back through my poems, I think that day 20 is my personal favorite. Which poem is your personal favorite this year?

NaHaiWriMo 2021 Day 25

Day 25: ticket to ride

running errands
grasshopper on the windshield
free ride

I’ve not been feeling great this week, but I’m still writing and blogging. What things have you been doing this week?

NaHaiWriMo 2021 Day 24

Day 24 prompt: across the universe

sending my love
to all of my online friends
under the same moon

Thank you for supporting me and following me across the internet. I hope you are having a good night, wherever you are.

NaHaiWriMo 2021 Day 22

Thank you for following my blog and leaving me comments. Thank you for your likes here and on other sites. Thank you for your shares on other sites. Today’s prompt was “yesterday” which is funny because I posted yesterday’s poem today. Don’t forget to scroll back and look through my poems from the weekend.

yesterday was clouds
all shadow no shine no joy
but today there is sun
ice melting off of tree,snow melting,winter,snow on tree,ice on sapling,

NaHaiWriMo ’21 Day 19

some things are truly powerful, the sun rises with or without you

It’s Day 19 and the prompt reminds me of a song title “with or without you”. I meant for this poem to be about how the world keeps going even if we don’t, but after writing it here I realize it sounds like a heartbroken love poem.

Don’t forget to scroll back through this month’s posts, I’ve written one poem for every day of National Haiku Writing Month. The shortest poetry for the shortest month.

NaHaiWriMo 2021 Day 18

Today’s prompt was pride.

not asking for help
strong people do it themselves
try not to complain
a big branch breaks under the
weight of all the ice and snow

So this happens every year, and today I just went with it. My poem flowed out into 5 lines instead of 3 making it a tanka. Also, I know you’re all tired of hearing about ice and snow but it was too poetic to not publish.

If you have liked any of my poetry this month, or if you are liking my art, or the photos that I post on Instagram, please consider donating to my Ko-fi account.

It is hard to be a blogger, SAHM, or an artist without the help of your community. And I am all 3! So I started a Ko-fi account. It’s pronounced “coffee” but with a English accent as it is a UK based company.

Basically you can donate to my art without having to make an account or do anything more strenuous than what you would do on Amazon. You find my page and “buy me a coffee” which is you giving me a $3 donation so that I can afford to make my art without having to resort to making telemarketer calls to your phone. Or so that I don’t have to guilt people into buying a store credit card at the mall, or work fast food.

You can find the link to my Ko-fi account on my About Me page. Right now I have a small goal. After this goal gets met I’ll be setting another goal to help me buy a camera.

This is how artists today find their patrons and supporters. If you can’t leave me a donation, then give me a share so that others can discover my work, here and on Instagram (link on my About Me and This Blog page). I am currently using Instagram as a portfolio, but Ko-fi can work as a portfolio and a shop. My big goal is to get a shop open on Ko-fi by the end of this year.

Nat’l Haiku Writing Mn 2021 Day 9

Today’s poem for National Haiku Writing Month.

checking my compass

to go with the wind or against

butterfly’s flight

checking my compass
to go with the wind or against
butterfly's flight

I managed to make a haiga today!! It took some time using the blocks of WordPress but I did it.

Nat’l Haiku Writing Month Day 8 ’21

Today’s prompt is: tangerine

when saying orange just won't do
new selling points

This is technically a senryu, but it’s all that came to mind. If I had literally all day to think I could come up with something else, but I had about 10 minutes before my son needed help with his homework. So here is my finished homework- why don’t you drop me a grade in a comment below?

Stock photo of a mom that had time to comb her hair.

#NaHaiWriMo Day 7 2021

Today’s prompt was: tusk

mother elephant
leading and protecting
pulling him to my side

I wanted to write something dark about a bone, but I couldn’t make it work. So I did a mom poem instead. Did you know that elephants are one of the many animals that are matriarchal?

Going Through Haiku

smokey moon
burning through the last week
of the longest year


I don’t know about you, but December seemed like the longest month of 2020 to me. I swear that last week lasted two weeks. Some of it was good, some of it was bad.

So I was going through my haiku trying to figure out what to post today and since it’s the last week of January I thought that I would go ahead and post this. I hope by this time next year I can write joyous poetry about how much better everything is.

I will be doing National Haiku Writing Month, but I may not post every day. I do know that I will make 28 separate posts for each poem, so some days I may post 3 times. I will probably schedule them to post throughout the day on days like that. I will do that so that I can get your reaction to each individual poem. Last year I did 4 poems per post and got few comments.

I want your comments more than your likes, so please leave me your thoughts. But If you can’t leave me a like here on WordPress, please leave me a like on Facebook or Twitter, wherever you follow me from.