Haiku on the wrong side of the road.

baby squirrel
I drive on the wrong side of the road
paths to kindness

This is not a made up or exaggerated haiku. I was coming home from the store and a little baby squirrel was running up the side street next to my home, and he moved to the wrong edge of the road. It was a quiet day, so I just drove around him.


trying to find the passage back
wondering how we got off track
leaving things behind
new tools we must find
how to be kind
empty pack


This poem is a certain form, I just forget which one. Leave me a comment if you like it even without the background information.

roses in black and white filter

A Quote on Kindness

Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence or learning. 

                -Frederick William Faber

This is so true. I have learned this, on a deeper level, within the last 2 years or so.
Also, this is my 1,000 post! Yay!

I have so many more that I want to share. I am still enjoying this.

FF Story | The Kind Baker

Friday Fictioneers is a group of bloggers who write 100-word stories after being inspired by a photo posted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. We are allowed to use the photo in our post and encouraged to leave each other comments. I always appreciate anyone who takes the time to leave a comment on any of my posts. I write my story before I read any of the other writers’ creations. This week’s story started out at 134 words and I shrunk it to 100 words.

river out a window,antiques,rushing water,riverbank,

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

The Kind Baker

“Make sure to stand far enough back that no blood splatters on you.”

John had Billy opened the window. It was stuffy inside of the office.

“I’m not an idiot John, I’ve shot people before.”

“I want that bakery. It has a prime location.”

“The baker gets his flour on Tuesday nights. I will get it done then.”

The little boy tiptoed under the window. He headed uphill toward the Police Station. He knew who the Chief was because he always made him move his sleeping spot. He knew the baker because he always gave the street kid free bread.

A Quote on Kindness

Wherever there is a human being, there is a chance for a kindness. -Seneca

It has been a hard week for some people. Be as kind as you can today. You will have many chances to make someone’s day better. I just now realized that it is Friday, and I have not even had a chance to look at the Friday Fictioneers prompt, so I will probably not post a story this week either. I will try to have something for you on Monday. I hope you have a good weekend.

You have to dip your cup.



Milk and Honey Floweth

Though milk and honey floweth
You still need to use a cup
Milk pours out your hands
When you try to pick it up
It won’t flow to your mouth
With no effort on your part
You have to dip your cup
This is how you start
Go down to the river
Wear your robe and crown
Don’t attempt to drink it all
Go slow or you might drown
Draw enough to fill your cup
God gave you the right size
There is no need to moan or complain
You have received your prize
You’ve been given what you needed
To make it through each week
You’re not lacking much at all
You’ve been given what you seek


Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt from BlogHer is to “Tell us about one time that you benefitted from the kindness of strangers.” This poem is an example of that. I had a thought and I tried to put it into a poem. A lady that belonged to a Christian message board that I used to frequent, helped me smooth it out, her name was Belinda van Rensburg.

A warning about being kind.

If we are to be treated, in the world to come, the way we’ve treated people here – what kind of reception will you receive?



These Strangers, in a foreign World,
Protection asked of me –
Befriend them, lest Yourself in Heaven
Be found a Refugee –

Today I bent the truth…

Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind that I am of what is true.    –Robert Brault

I believe that honesty is always the best policy, but there are rare occasions that it is better to let a small lie slide by than to hurt someones feelings.

Have you ever encountered a moment like this?